Nothing to Disclose
Hey loves! Today is the start of Digit-al Dozen week for November. And this months prompt is 'Color Contrasts'. Most of us in the group had a hard time figuring out what this meant so we are all pretty much interpreting it the way we each see it. To me it can be numerous things, such as the opposites on the color wheel, black & white or a bright/dark color paired with a pastel/softer color of the same shade. First mani I decided on was the opposite on the color wheel, and the colors I chose are blue and orange.
Polishes & Products Used:
Zoya Nail Polish-Amy(orange)
KBShimmer-Soul Deep(Blue)
UberChic-Fabulous Feathers Plate
Lout It Yourself-Nothing Else Matters (matte top coat)
KBShimmer-Soul Deep(Blue)
UberChic-Fabulous Feathers Plate
Lout It Yourself-Nothing Else Matters (matte top coat)
That's it guys! Hope you like! Check out all the other Digit-al Dozen manis below!